As as Certified Master Naturalist, I bring you landscapes, seascapes, birds and animals from around the world for your viewing pleasure. My wife of 45+ years and I have traveled to all 50 States, All of the Canadian Province s, eleven Caribbean Islands, the Galapagos Islands, six of the seven Continents, and we are not done!

Photography is about light, texture, subject matter and art. There are many great photographers -- I am not one of them, but I am still trying. Great photography takes talent, time, patience and having the right equipment at the right place at the right time, and often, a little luck. We have all seen great pictures taken by home-made pin-hole cameras to cell phones, but to be consistently good takes years of education, experience and the right equipment. My hat is off to all of the professionals who have invested their lives in bringing us great photography.

Many of you are or think you are "purest". That is, you think the picture process ends with the click of the shutter. Really good photographs, from the earliest ones in the 1800's to the present, all involve pre and post capture processing. In bygone years, from filters on the camera lens, to direct negative/plate alterations, to darkroom techniques the skilled film photographer made the final print appear as they saw it in their minds' eye. Today's digital age has leveled the field a great deal between top professionals and advanced armatures. First, all digital cameras have built in software (called firmware) that interprets the 1's and 0's recorded by the digital sensor. Now with advanced picture editing software, you can change the light into the "golden hours" and remove annoying features or add everything from beautiful skies to open eyes on portraits. Through this technology the artist in all of us can be shared without spending many hours, and not to mention expense, waiting for just the right light to fall on the landscape. My work is no different. All of the pictures you will see here have been edited to some extent. Some heavily. Boring skies have been replaced with exciting clouds and shadow.

I hope you will enjoy what you see here. All the pictures are for sell at reasonable prices in reach for every one. If you are looking for an investment and you have the discretionary income, by all means, please visit one of the many professional sites.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these images, please e-mail me at [email protected] (the address is NOT case sensitive) with your size requirements and image(s) choices for a price quote. I use PayPal but you can use your credit card via PayPal without having to sign up for a PayPal account.

Please also visit my custom wood craft site:

Send me a friend request to: www.facebook\photographerjoetuckerpi